Kei Kaihoh

House I . Tokyo

Kei Kaihoh Architects

It’s a small house where artists and their families live. The client, who is a sculptor, asked for a space that could be used as a children’s art class or gallery, in addition to the place where four family members live. The house of only 60 square meters with a frontage of 5m and a depth of 4m was divided into three floors: a storage room, a classroom, and a living room.

Due to the harsh area conditions, the entrance and bathroom temporarily become stairs. The sweep window facing the street becomes another entrance by preparing small installations such as ladders and benches. The classroom has two contradictory functions, a gallery that requires a wall and an art classroom open to the community, for convenience, as a margin that gives the resident a modest festive feeling in their daily lives, continue to accompany for come and go for living between the two floors. We believe that a space that ambiguously balances the festiveness of everyday life with urban functions will be required for all building types, including housing.

Location: Shibuya, Tokyo Main application: house
Building area: 20.36㎡
Total floor area: 41.36㎡ (62.03㎡ including the basement) Structure: wooden
Scale: 2 floors above ground, 1 floor below ground
Structure: Hiraiwa Structure Planning