Studio raro

“La Dolce Mela” Agritour Farmhouse . VEZZANO

studio raro . “La Dolce Mela Agritour Farmhouse . VEZZANO afasia (1)

studio raro . + archdaily

The interventions, within a prestigious scenic and environmental context, aim to respect and avoid undermining the rare quality of these places and are therefore calibrated very carefully as to side-step any harsh visual impact.

Both the architectural style implemented and the use of specific materials seek to create a modern and elegant solution that inserts itself harmoniously with the surrounding natural context.

Both interventions create abstract spaces that are essential and small, using exposed concrete (in relation to the exposed rock wall on site), natural larch wood for the facades, and the green roof as roofing.

The aim is to minimise the impact of new volumes without however trying to hide them. The effect of the counterbores lightens the building by thinning the edges and giving, a least from the inside, a sense of increased contact with the surrounding landscape.