Under a strictly limited budget, the dilapidated facade of Alvaro Obregon 90 was restored through an updated interpretation of the building’s architectural history and context. The original marble cladding was repaired, refinished and repositioned to serve as a sunshade for floors below, while fully expressing the expansive floor-to-ceiling glazing of the apartments within.
The strong vertical presence of the original curtain-mullion relationship was incorporated into the new design. Chrome vertical blinds complement the variable mullion spacing on each floor, providing a muted reflection of the city while providing a low-cost solution for solar gain. The interior has been stripped to its bare structural elements, reimagined as a flexible living unit that pivots around a compact core.
Project Name: Álvaro Obregón 90
Project Location: Ciudad de México, Mexico
Project Team: David Kagawa + Harrison Nesbitt, founders of Bosetti—Desjardins