Peterskirchhof house . Frankfurt

NKBAK . Peterskirchhof house . Frankfurt afasia (1)

NKBAK . photos: © Thomas Mayer . + baunetz

A residential and commercial building will be extended into an existing courtyard. First of all, nothing extraordinary appears. However, the special feature of this building task – contrary to the usual backyard situations – is the visibility of the new structure of the adjoining Peterskirchhof.

This park-like complex with its bordering cemetery wall is historically listed. Conceptual thinking does not focus on demarcation, but rather on building on and accentuating the various layers of time available. The idea of implementation is as old as the architectural history itself: The existing wall of sandstone and bricks is being extended with bricks.

The new structure will therefore be built with a brick façade above the cemetery wall. The exposed brickwork will be horizontally layered with different stone formats, so that the layering also manifests itself in the materiality. Bricks from the Danish company Petersen Tegl were selected for this purpose. In order to continue the design of the cemetery wall in the façade of the new building, the masonry was bricked up with three different levels of brick.

The formats for this were Flensburger format (about 11,200 pieces), Danish normal format (about 2250 pieces) and Hamburger format (about 3580 pieces). The cubature of the new building is precisely matched with regard to the building mass and the lighting situations. The new building has two courtyards on the ground floor and generous roof terraces on the first and second floors, which add value to both the new building and the existing building.

On the ground floor of the new building there are new offices of Stylepark. Ideal room scenarios have been created for the needs of the company: two spacious open workspaces with rooms for retreats as well as a central coffee point as a meeting place for the employees are available. The two courtyards designed to illuminate the premises are used as lounges in the summer months and allow for visual relationships between the individual workplaces in the building. On the 1st and 2nd floor are each a residential unit.

A 2-room apartment with 44 square meters area and a 1-room apartment with 60 square meters area. Since the organization of the apartments is not only by walls, but rather by different room heights, the design allows a generous room impression despite limited living space. Generous window openings in different sizes allow the park to grow into the living spaces. The development potential of the extension is limited due to regulations regarding the distance between buildings. Its cubature is precisely matched to the available cubic capacity and lighting situations.

Ein Wohn- und Geschäftshaus soll in einen Hinterhof erweitert werden. Das Besondere an dieser Bauaufgabe – entgegen üblicher Hinterhofsituationen – ist die Sichtbarkeit der neuen Bebauung von dem angrenzenden Peterskirchhof. Diese parkähnliche Anlage mit seiner umgrenzenden Friedhofsmauer ist denkmalgeschützt. Im Konzeptgedanken steht nicht eine Abgrenzung, sondern das Weiterbauen und die Akzentuierung der Zeitschichten im Vordergrund. Der Neubau wird daher mit einer Klinkerfassade auf die Friedhofsmauer aufgebaut. Das Sichtmauerwerk wird mit verschiedenen Steinformaten horizontal geschichtet, so dass sich das Schichten auch in der Materialität manifestiert.

Die Bebaubarkeit ist auf Grund der Abstandsregelungen begrenzt. Die Kubatur ist im Hinblick auf die Baumasse und die Belichtungssituationen präzise abgestimmt. Im Erdgeschoss wird eine im Bestand ansässige Gewerbeeinheit erweitert. In den Obergeschossen entstehen zwei Wohneinheiten. Diese sind ein Beitrag zur Verdichtung der Frankfurter Innenstadt mit der Schaffung von Wohnraum.

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