A2A: Andy Fortunati + Angela Posse
sublime (adj.)
from Latin sublimis “uplifted, high, borne aloft, lofty, exalted, eminent, distinguished,” possibly originally “sloping up to the lintel,” from sub “up to” (see sub-) + limen “lintel, threshold, sill’ ‘Something underneath the limit’.
In 1790, Immanuel Kant in the Critique of Judgement divides the Sublime into Dynamics, the pure power of nature like uragans, storm, fires, and the Mathematical, which derives from the contemplation of the motionless nature, the admiration of time. Ironically, Mothe Chandenier is a conjunt of both : the ruined proof of the treemendous power of Mother Earth and the aquiesced acceptance of timelessly flow of nature. The project wants to highlight these aspects, refusing to touch the castle, leaving it as mythical piranesian ruin, where the man is just an observer to the magnificience of time. To praise morover this staticity, the use of flexible, dynamic structures amplifies the respectfulness for the site. With almost submerged volumes, the project revolves around a continuos walkway that surrounds the castle, connected when needed through movable gangways. The sensorial walk allows you to slightly feel the movement of the promenade over the water that reminds the traveler that both the castle and the walkway are constantly changing, making the time be percieved.
‘‘A circle could not be called otherwise but romantic. The coming romanticism is truly profound: beautiful, meaningful, joyful. It is a block of ice with a burning flame inside.’’
Vasilij Vasil’evij Kandinskij
A system based on the performance of a submarine and light materials makes the project naturally floating up.
A tense equilibrium is created submerging the circle until the level of the water.
An inner water chamber can be filled with the moat water to regulate the level while a ballast help the process.
This guarantees sustainable “foundation”, and when the water flows out the toroid comes up without leaving any footprint.