María María Acha-Kutscher

WOMANKIND / Series 3 . 2012

WOMANKIND / Series 3 . 2012

+ Palau de la Virreina

Series 2 (2011), 3 (2012) and 4 (2013) represent a tour through household rooms, places of socialisation and areas of entertainment or knowledge, in which women can be seen in various attitudes, at times imbued with a certain pathos of melancholy and at others deliberating or absorbed. The characterisation of the “feminine universe”—a male chauvinist 3 epithet—as a territory free from the logic of reason, as well as the myth of Bovarysm, in other words, harmfully ascribing women to a sort of perpetual state of unproductive daydreams, together with the cliché of youthful beauty and class elegance, are here literally transformed into a mirror of how prevailing cultural representations historically typified women, separating them from any possibility of political action and positioning them in a territory of existential solitude or a state of limbo outside of chronological paths.
Palau de la Virreina