Tomohiro Hata

Ground House . Osaka

Tomohiro Hata . Ground House . Osaka afasia (1)

Tomohiro Hata Architect & Associates

The project started with the following question from the client to the architect.

The society that surrounds us seems to be very mature. However, especially in urban areas, there is an impression that something really unhuman, has lost something important. In fact, many buildings are being broken one after the other while their lifetime is still sufficient. Isn’t that exactly what happened due to this loss of something?

Therefore, I would like to reconsider the form of architecture as a social asset in a true sense, such as creating a human-like activity in the city and continuing to live for a long time, with a chain of repositioning being carried out.

Our argument resulted in the unnaturalness of human life today. It is that the accumulation of unnatural space separated from ecosystems and controlled by technology is the primary problem. Therefore, we decided to consider the way of architecture in urban areas that is directly linked to the ecosystem for natural activities.

The architect first presented the idea of layering ground where ecosystems can be established. It is the concept to realize a life with nature wherever people are. This concept of ours has come to fruition as an image that piles up the free form earth which is guided by the simulation of light and wind. Light and wind determine the shape of the earth. The architect has developed a structure like a branch that rationally supports it, and by thinking that this pillar also functions as a pipe space, the earth will be a platform that easily updatable of the space on any layer.

The client thought of a new mechanism that would function as a social asset, without closing it as just a specific architecture or as a concept. That is, it is not the fact that people do not own or rent partially the floor of architecture as in the past, but is the new concept of real estate that the earth itself is owned or rented even in high-rises. If this is done, it is possible to dynamically change functions or upgrade and rebuild on the earth, and it is possible to significantly prolong the life as a social asset. In addition, the animals and plants that take root will be taken over, leading to a rich aging of the environment.

Starting from a naïve question of today’s architecture, we combine natural ideas with society through this architecture, which combines spatial and structural ideas from the architect with operational and life cycle ideas from the client.

We wanted to present a new form of architecture as a social asset to realize.


大地を複層化する建築ができないだろうか。 大地にスラブを積層した建築を置くのではく、大地そのものを複層化させるイメージである。

そこでは、光や風、周辺の環境や機能に応じて自由な形態となって現れる大地がスタッキングされていき、内部空間はどの層にあっても交換可能なアタッチメントとして配置される。すべての大地の層には外部環境が定着する余地があり、内外の豊かな関係が紡がれる。スタッキングされた大地の層は、見上げると「空の地形」として重なり合い、下部の空間の質を変化させていく。 このような大地を複層化させるという建築を実現させるために、構造家の萬田隆氏との議論から、自然界の樹木に見られる立体分岐する枝の仕組みを構造システム化し、層間のずれに追随する折れ枝のような柱で支える仕組みがふさわしいのではないかという結論に至った。

この折れ枝のような鋼管は、傾きながら分岐、合流を繰り返し、自由な形状の地形のスタッキングに追随できる構造システムである。同時に、傾いた鋼管が山形(逆V字)に接合することで水平力をすべて負担させることが可能となり、構造壁が不要な自由な大地を実現する。 また、この折れ枝の鋼管はパイプスペースでもあり、各層における大地の上に配置された内部空間となるアタッチメントは、自由に更新可能となる。 従来の壁、柱から解放された各層は、通りの並木や庭の樹木の成長を想定した気積を避けてカーブし、風や光を受け渡すような形態として現れた地形として積層されていく。 この建築は、高層化モデルまでを視野に入れ考察してきた経緯があり、環境をつくり定着させながら成長し、更新されるような都市の風景を思い描いていた部分もある。 
