THOSE architects . photos: © Luc Remond
The Dairy project parti is underpinned by human circulation and connection to landscape. The circulation sequence through and around the building is carefully curated in order to create moments of tension and relief, camouflage and revelation.
With the main vista from the building situated to the North-West (over dairyland to the Blue Mountains beyond) the building is approached from the South-East via a honed concrete ramp which intersects lush pasture. An imposing black timber wall is punctuated by two openings, one of which is lined with copper cladding to define the entry point. Copper cladding is a rich counterpoint to the monochromatic façade and the entry vestibules soffit is lowered and raked in order to compress on approach to the front doors. The transparent front doors then offer a glimpse through the entire building to the timber viewing platform beyond. The North-West façade acting as the threshold between the interior and the viewing platform consists of an orchestrated array of operable glass, anchoring the interiors of the building firmly into the landscape. Several breezeways interconnect the complex program enabling a degree of separation and compartmentalisation.
Fine grain detailing imbues the building with a subtle character that belies its robust and resolute aesthetic.