Boltshauser Architekten . photos: © Kuster Frey . + gooood
The new schoolhouse is situated north of the existing gymnasium on the asphalt forecourt of the current school. A beautiful group of existing scotch pine trees covers the gentle slope rising eastward from the school. The building is organized so that the four upper levels contain the classrooms and the lower level material storage and technical rooms. The main building volume holds four kindergartens and two classrooms with corresponding group rooms. Offices for the teaching staff, the school’s principal, and social worker, as well as a therapy room, a daycare equipped with a kitchen and a music room complete the school program. The symmetrical alignment of the simple and compact spatial organization of the school results in an almost cubic volume. A slight rotation of the walls gives a playful and pavilion-like character. Each of the main rooms is primarily oriented in one direction with secondary lighting coming from adjacent neighboring room.