Bach Mühle Fuchs

Pont du Tiguelet . Givisiez

Bach Mühle Fuchs . Pont du Tiguelet . Givisiez (1)

Bach Mühle Fuchs . Neven Kostic . Johannes Heine

The valley south of Givisiez is part of the molasse landscape near Fribourg and is composed by the two slopes of the Bois de la Faye and the Bois de Moncor. By the middle of the 20th century the permeable brown soil were the basis for agriculture, until the agglomeration of Friborg attracted large business areas. Today the infrastructures of the railway between Givisiez and Belfaux and the roads for the local transport are structuring the valley mainly in the east-west direction. With the construction of the viaduct at Gvisiez, the valley will be also structured from north to south.

Like massive stone bridges from the past, this project is designed completely in concrete. On tapering columns, the continuous beam balances from one end of the viaduct to the other. The height of the lateral activated structural beams adapts to the different spans. Thanks to the supporting elements at the side of the viaduct instead underneath, the crossover can be built as low as possible over the railway infrastructure. But the lateral beams take over several functions to simplify the shape of the viaduct. This construction does not require any additional fall arrestors, noise protection elements or guards. The infrastructure, in its bare expression, becomes part of the landscape.

Ingenieur: Dr. Neven Kostic
Architect: Bach Mühle Fuchs
Landscape Architect: Johannes Heine