gonzález vargas

Jorge Rando Museum . Málaga

gonzález vargas . Jorge Rando Museum . Málaga (1)

gonzález vargas ARQUITECTO . photos: © Jesús Granada . + divisare

This project is focused on a part of Ntra. Sra. de la Merced (M.M. Mercedarias) convent, in Málaga. The Museum and Foundation Jorge Rando is an institution whose mission will focus on the study, research, knowledge and dissemination of expressionism with a concept: always open doors… people go inside and art goes out. Although it was built in two phases, constitute one only building with two different actions: rehabilitation and new construction. Relationship with the courtyard has been renovated, and preservation of convent has increased thanks cultural, actual and new equipment with special sensibility in their surroundings. Steel, concrete and whitewashed walls, are the materials used for this building, intended as a component of dissemination of expressionist poetry, away from the beaten track of mass context, culture from the neighborhood.