Chipperfield . Gormley

Kivik Art Centre Pavilion

David Chipperfield . Antony Gormley . photos: © Åke E:son Lindman . © Gerry Johansson

The 2008 pavilion for Kivik Art Centre in southeast Sweden was designed by David Chipperfield and Antony Gormley. The pavilion, which was constructed in only two months, is a sculpture entirely in concrete. Formed of three interlocked 100 m3 volumes – ‘The Cave’, ‘The Stage’ and ‘The Tower’ – the pavilion offers three different ways of experiencing the nature and landscapes around Kivik.

above photos: © Åke E:son Lindman

above photos: © Gerry Johansson

‘The Cave’ – a solid, dormant space in the base of the sculpture where one can rest on a wall-fixed bench, offers the enclosed feeling of being in the dark forest.
Stairs then take the visitor up to the first floor – ‘The Stage’ – a horizontal volume open to the landscape, where one looks out but is also exposed.
The third volume – ‘The Tower’ – takes the visitor up spiral stairs to a platform almost 18 metres above the ground, where one is rewarded with a spectacular view over the trees towards the Baltic Sea.