Sheila Hicks

Procession Temuco . 2012/13

+ Alison Jacques Gallery

Hicks describes her work as ‘unbiased weaves’, a phrase which not only reflects her fascination for language and poetry but her interest in classifications. Crucial components of her language include colour with embedded texture, and structure that employs found objects, artifacts and unexpected materials including stainless steel and porcupine quills. Her sculptural works, often of a monumental scale, betray her fascination with fibre and thread, which she employs as a dynamic medium. Hicks holds the firm belief that material be allowed to express its inherent nature – she avoids armatures, preferring to stack and twist cascading linen, bound ropes, sinuous skeins, wrapped bundles and intertwined filaments of silk.
Alison Jacques Gallery

Joie de Vivre . 2013

Mauresque Etiquette . 2013

My Way or Your Way . 2013

Sans Titre . 2013