


We reclaim the intrinsic value of cities, the relationships established between the elements of the city and the landscape, the concept of permanence and the concept of shelter.

The geometric forms, rigorously sculpted into the ground, are voids in the landscape that define and give meaning to the rhythm and movement in the city. These voids assume the most diverse functions in the experience of urban space, they are courtyards filled with light where social life develops, on which along the perimeter, private spaces are organized, forms carved into the ground, warm in winter and cool in summer.
The multiplicity of sensorial experiences, the appropriation of space and movement along pedestrian paths that establish relationships between limited and unlimited spaces, open and closed, changes of light and shadows, moments of compression and emptiness, tension and stillness.
With a single material, the city is the same color as the earth, its expression is anonymous. Matter, space, depth and scale of the place are emphasized. What appears as horizontal roofs is earth, its essence is the expression of silent architecture and the articulation with the landscape.