Made in Lower East Side (MiLES)

From BLIGHT to MIGHTcompetition

Made in Lower East Side (MiLES) . + Terreform ONE

212 lots and stores are vacant in the Lower East Side of New York awaiting gentrification, the dominant form of development that stifles the cultural richness of this neighborhood.

MiLES is a multi-disciplinary initiative that facilitates an open process of temporary transformations of underutilized sites by listening, co-creating, prototyping and operating with residents of the Lower East Side.
Our ultimate goal is to build a movement for open and bottom-up urban planning, one neighborhood at a time.

Architecture Commons is the project lead in collaboration with OpenIDEO, Fourth Arts Block, City API, Design for America, Listenin Pictures, Tythe Design, and The Value Web.
Co-Founders: Sarah Fathallah, Matthew Goble, Eric Ho, Rick Lam, Matthew Rouser, Chloe Tseung; Founding Partners