Naamanka . Rintala | Eggertsson


Samuli Naamanka . Sami Rintala . Dagur Eggertsson . + TAKE NORD SHAPE

The concrete pavilion for the Triennale is a showcase architecture for the project of designer Samuli Naamanka.

The structure has two purposes. Firstly, the outer skin will be an exhibition of the Graphic Concrete designs of Samuli Naamanka. Therefore the pavilion is made of concrete, and is offering several surfaces for these designs, exposed to different directions and light situations in the Triennale Park. Secondly, the pavilion houses furniture and lamp designs by Naamanka. For this purpose the whole is composed of smaller rooms or wings, each housing one family of design objects. These spaces have all their own type of natural light, culminating in the central high space with top light and sky view. At the same time, in order to guarantee
a good flow of audience and easy accessibility, the house has door openings towards all directions. In other words the pavilion is designed to be both seen and entered from all sides evenly.
As this is at the same a temporary exhibition structure, the whole thing is made of pre-fabricated concrete elements, easy to dismantle and transport to
the next destination after the Triennale. It is thought that this temporality and dynamics can very well be expressed in the end result, reminding of a house of cards put together to form a series of spaces to be experienced by
the visitors.”

Take Nord Shape is part of the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 program .