Moho Architects

Media Island Wifi Pavilion . Elche

Moho Architects . fotos: © David Frutos

The idea of the project is the construction of an exportable concept of wifi-media pavilion located in the heart of a university campus.

The building performs as a virtual interface providing public internet access and a singular meeting spot for students to hung out, and relax.
The star/shaped pavilion is divided into 5 different spaces surrounding a central courtyard that guaranties maximum natural lighting and ventilation.
The spaces are designed in order to offer a wide range of configurations, since the final use of the building was not clearly specified.
The island raises 1.5 meters from the natural level of the ground though an white gravel landscape, enforcing the identity and singularity of the pavilion as an “object trouve” in the middle of the Campus.

Un nombre simbólico para un programa necesario: Pabellón wi fi en el centro del, todavía sin urbanizar, Campus de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche.
La búsqueda de carácter objetual para un edificio descontextualizado y pretendidamente exportable a otros campus.
Una idea previa de planta centralizada alrededor de un patio, referente visual inmediato desde cualquier punto del edificio. Un único espacio polivalente capaz de albergar un programa bastante indefinido.
La ausencia de pilares exentos como premisa, condicionando la luz máxima entre ellos para economizar la estructura, plantea un reto en la generación de la planta definitiva, lejos de esquemas formales apriorísticos.

Team project: Moho Architects + Carlos Abadía Sánchez
Architect: Álvaro Abadía Sánchez

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