Gigon/Guyer Architects . Atelier WW . photos: © Thies Wachter . + dezeen
The space occupied by the Kunsthalle Zürich has been completely restructured.
An intermediate floor has been added to two of the existing exhibition spaces to provide space for a public library, offices, meeting rooms, an archive and workshops. A white cube on top of the building creates a supplementary floor and provides a marker to draw attention to the Kunsthalle Zürich’s presence in the complex.
Architecture: Consortium (ARGE, Arbeitsgemeinschaft) Löwenbräuareal
Annette Gigon / Mike Guyer, Architects, Zurich
In collaboration with atelier ww, Zurich
Collaborators Gigon/Guyer:
Mike Guyer (Director), Volker Mencke (Project Manager),
Daniel Friedmann, Bettina Gerhold, Reto Killer
Collaborators atelier ww:
Walter Wäschle / Roman Züst (Director), Peter Epprecht (Project
Manager), Mario Ercolani and Boris Deister (Construction
Economics), Tatjana A