LAN Architecture

58 Housing Units . ZAC Seguin . Boulogne Billancourt

LAN Architecture

The major challenge for the design of the housing units on plot V was to be able to resolve all the problems through the use of a single architectural gesture: – design of a corner building -.

Positioning on a plot closing off a trapezoid form and the main artery through the space – insertion into a plot with a very restrictive morphology and orientation – continual care taken to ensure integration into an architecturally very rich context using a wide range of materials As a result, we imagined a dual character architecture, designing a building able to integrate the urban needs of rue Yves Kermen and rue et Emile Zola, as well as those of the landscape provided by the main artery. The language sought for the elevations on rue Yves Kermen and rue Emile Zola was achieved by designing a corner building, developing a “discreet elegance”, creating an event, giving the elevations a certain rhythm and providing an overall impression of lightness. The project proposes a simple and easily readable building giving onto the street. The south and east elevations are provided with a considerable number of large openings that extend the inside of the housing units out onto the decks running along the side of the building. Wide balconies cantilevering out from the decks interrupt this linear flow. On rue Kermen and rue Zola, the projecting elements and trims between floor levels give the building the impression of a streamlined block. The building fulfils its role of being a “corner” on the plot and, as a result, clearly stands out from the surrounding buildings. The language chosen for the courtyard and the main artery through the plot reveals the intention to reverberate and reflect light through the planted areas, favouring a peaceful and serene setting.

58 housing units
ZAC Seguin – Boulogne Billancourt, France
€ 11,4 M Excl. VAT
4 622 m²