POLYFORM arkitekter

Karres En Brands . Cleaning Facilities Centre . Hauser Plads . Copenhagen

POLYFORM . photo: © Ty Stange . +archdaily

In order to receive the most daylight possible in the new offi ces and staff facilities, all primary functions are located around an open underground courtyard. Atrium soft shapes maximize natural light into construction and simultaneously help to defi ne the unique and attractive spaces both inside and outside. The building provide a softly naturally enlighten working environment for approximately 100 daily users. Facilities include showers, changing rooms, a canteen and parking spaces. The garden is an extension of the workspace. Various types of planting change their colour and texture throughout the seasons, and the flagstone paving area creates places for rest breaks whilst serving as an outdoor workplace.
The location in the very heart of Copenhagen contributes to large savings time wise and in relating to resources which makes the project profi table and sustainable. By combining the new building program with the lush playground at Hauser Plads and exploit the former parking garage underneath, creates an entirely new type of buildings. A scenic office building without air turbulence, shade noise from outside.

Hvor: København K, DK
Klient: Københavns Ejendomme
Hvornår: 2009
Program: Om- og nybygning af kontorer og mandskabsfaciliteter
Areal: 1.000m2
Anlægssum: 19 millioner kroner
Type: Bestillingsopgave
Status: Indviet primo oktober 2011
Rådgivningsform: Totalrådgiver
Team: Thomas Kock, Jonas Sangberg, Nikolaj Frølund Thomsen, Lars Marbjerg og Henrik Thomas Faurskov, Karres En Brands Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning
Samarbejdspartner: Oluf Jørgensen ingeniører og Ulrike Brandi Licht