Tretorn Site housing . Helsingør


How can we transform a former industrial site into a vibrant mix of housing, commercial and public programs?
The Tretorn Site is located on the border of the two most significant features of Helsingør City: The dense historical city center and the beautiful seaside. After moving former industrial production activities out of the area a unique opportunity to relink the city with the beach areas has become reality. We propose to rethink the Tretorn Site as an active part of the public cultural flow running along the waterfront with a new typology that combines high build density with public recreational values. Opposed to the creation of a new privatized enclave of housing reserved for the few, we propose to redevelop the site through a programmatic alchemic recipe of housing, commercial and public programs all closely connected to the beach.

partner in charge
Andreas Klok Pedersen
project leader
Søren Martinussen
Ryohei Koike
Tiina Liisa Juuti
Balaj Alin
Elisa Wienecke