Hometta Double-Ex House

source: narchitects . hometta . archdaily   

From a distance, Double-Ex* House has the simple iconic profile and material quality of a barn. But as one approaches, a dominant sculptural feature becomes apparent. In a contemporary twist on a familiar type, exterior stepped voids travel diagonally up the long sides of the house, meeting in a single space at the top. This continuous zone is however still covered by a roof, as if it had been carved out from a monolithic volume. Continue reading nARCHITECTS

Mateo Arquitectura

Filmoteca de Cataluña . En construcción . Barcelona

origen: gracias a Mateo Arquitectura . fotos: © Adrià Goula

El edificio se construirá en el Raval, una de las partes más degradadas del centro histórico de Barcelona, actualmente sometida a una enérgica política de derribos y de nuevas construcciones vul­gares.
Es un edificio público que construye la plaza a la que limita. Ha sido pensado para que, desde la dife­rencia, se relacione cariñosamente con sus vetustos y destartalados vecinos queriendo desmarcarse también de las presencias de sus contemporáneos. Continue reading Mateo Arquitectura



Doublesingle Storey House . Grabowa

source: courtesy of formodesign

Doublesingle Storey House is located in Grabowa in a beautiful area on the slope above the stream. The goal was to design a building that meets the expectations of clients while preserving the unique naturalness of the surrounding. The idea of creating the doublesingle storey layout came of our willing to enable the residents freely enter and exit the building no matter where they are. It was also a very natural way of slope dedicated floor plan development. Continue reading formodesign