
A dialogue between Stefano Mirti and Luisa Lambri about her relationship with architecture and the artworks on show at the 12. Venice Biennale.

full interview: abitare

SM And what was that?
LL She simply asked for green photos. She wanted to see trees and nature. We didn’t talk about particular architects or buildings. Just about colours: a warmer green, a cooler green. Nothing to do with architecture. She chose some photos taken of Niemeyer’s Casa das Canoas in Brazil, especially ones of the patio which reminded her of her Serpentine Gallery pavilion in London. She also chose some photos I did in a Philip Johnson house in Houston during a thunderstorm, with pretty dramatic light and colours. And also some of the Kanazawa museum, which are reminiscent of all the others. The thing they all have in common is green, not relationships between architects and buildings. It was a very straightforward conversation.