A small house with a large eave. The exterior space under the eave is the primary space of the house. This space under the eave could be a porch, a bbq grill pit with picnic tables, a bike repair shop, a makeshift podiatrist office, a photo studio, a late-night smoking lounge, a yoga retreat, a place to store partially used items that don’t fit anywhere else, a local ceramic workshop that specializes in custom mugs, a kombucha startup, a karaoke parlor, a dog’s play area, a summer camp fingerpainting venue, a temporary dance club and mosh pit, a stable for livestock, a flea market, homeopathic garden, and a garage. Continue reading MOS
Tag: MOSMostrar todas las entradas
A small arts campus, that includes offices, teaching workshops and the renovation of a church into a multi-functional arts space. Continue reading MOS
Long and narrow. Based upon a 10’ sheet of plywood. Bends slightly. Following the site’s ridge. Perched, looking out. Surrounded with tall trees. 3 chimneys, 1 attic and 1 light well as volumes on the roof. It doesn’t look like a house, maybe something you’d find in a trailer park designed by William Morris, maybe Villa Le Lac. Continue reading MOS
JOHNSTON MARKLEE . Christ & Gantenbein . MOS
JOHNSTON MARKLEE . Christ & Gantenbein . MOS Architects
The Dallas Museum of Art (DMA) has revealed the finalists’ concept designs to reimagine the DMA from the competition organized by Malcolm Reading Consultants. Continue reading JOHNSTON MARKLEE . Christ & Gantenbein . MOS
MOS ARCHITECTS . photos: © Michael Vahrenwald
A few images of Studio No. 3, Roof with Studio in Canaan, New York. Continue reading MOS