
PERZIK . Ghent

STUDIOBONT . photos: © Olmo Peeters

PERZIK, a conversion of a terraced house in Ghent for Jan and Matthias, a couple in which Matthias rolled up his sleeves in the finishing touches. Together, Jan and Matthias worked with us to recover the floor tiles, fireplace elements, stained-glass windows and original interior doors and give them a new shine during the renovation.

The row house was full of fine authentic ornaments, but was completely run-down. We took advantage of this to strip the house from bottom to top. In addition, we mainly cut en open up – both in the main house and in the rear extension.

Thanks to the demolition of the outbuildings between the rear extension and the main house, a patio is created. The rear outbuilding will be vacant. A new gable roof over the full width of the plot not only provides extra spaciousness in the studio. It also provides a sheltered terrace between patio and garden. It is an ideal place to enjoy or work in the shade. Indeed, thanks to the double-opening exterior doors, the terrace also forms an extension to the studio.

The front extension is also cut to the size of the dining area. Laying the new roof at an incline also allows the mezzanine floor to remain at the level of the landing, albeit chamfered. It is an ideal spot for the office that overlooks the dining area on the patio.

The kitchen will be central in the house. There, too, we cut into the wooden floor to create a void. This gives the darkest in-between space additional light and spaciousness via the upper floor.

An open shelving unit constructed in pine flanks the void and allows the house to remain as open as possible. In addition to all the technology (ventilation, heating), the shelving unit also includes a cloakroom, kitchen unit, washing machine and drying cabinet, bookcase and the bathroom unit. By stacking everything so compactly, we keep the further infill of the house very free and flexible.

The open-plan principle is also continued on the upper floors. This results in an open bathroom in the attic bedroom. On the first floor, a tailor-made triangle links the office at the front with the loft with library at the back. In this compact terraced house, all rooms are connected, without sacrificing intimacy and individuality.