Anne Holtrop et alii


Studio Anne Holtrop

CHANGE is a scenography of climate and geology. It highlights relationships between matter and space under the influence of changing environmental conditions, namely sun, rain, gravity, and darkness.

The pavilion is an assembly of three different parts: an on-site casted floor directly cast gently against the topography of the site, a standard steel frame and kiln-formed suspended glass panels that form the roof. Together they create a space that, through the intrinsic qualities of each material, reflects the changes in our environment.

In the words of Chillida “the pure, clear dialogue that emerges between matter and space (…) is due, in part, I believe, to the fact that either space is very fast matter or matter is very slow space. Isn’t the limit a boundary, not only between densities, but also between speeds?”

Space, matter, spaces between matter, matter tracing spaces.


Izaskun Chinchilla

En este proyecto de Eco-Housing para la promotora levantina Somium hemos propuesto una investigación sobre como los standares medioambientales procedentes del centro de Europa (Passive haus) o Norte America (GBC) pueden ser adaptados al clima Mediterráneo y a un estilo de vida que busca, fundamentalmente, el disfrute de las área exteriores y el cuidado personal. Uno de los aspectos más hermosos de estas viviendas es que cada habitación interior se completa con un espacio exterior, planteando estancias que, en realidad, completan su función mediante la combinación de media.



Cross Keys Manchester by Tim Groom Architects. Images by Darcstudio.




Wooden office building. Pirmil-les isles.
