Camp Design

House between Curb . Tokyo

Camp Design  . House between Curb . Tokyo (1)

Camp Design inc. photos: © Kenta Hasegawa . + architecturephoto

House as a prototype of 3 wooden stories.


A wooden three-story house located in the suburbs of Tokyo. The context in which a wooden three-story house is built is common. Fire resistance regulation, height restriction, neighboring land is approaching on a slender site, and so on. Houses born from such conditions are creating similar landscapes while doing similar construction behavior.

This house aimed at a new prototype while accepting such a wooden 3 stories context. First of all, cross beams exposed by refractory specifications create a large one room, improving ventilation and daylighting. Also, the cross beam is also a sliding door rail. By replacing sliding doors of the same module, it becomes a house that can change the composition according to changes in living and family composition.

Architect : YUSUKE FUJITA/ Camp Design inc.+Tsudou Design Studio
Structure engineers : yasuhirokaneda STRUCTURE
Constructor : Balleggs
Fixture : Yu Mimura / retour
Photographer : Kentahasegawa

