Francisco Pestana

Pillar Forest . Alcácer do Sal

Francisco Pestana . Pillar Forest . Alcácer do Sal  (7)

Francisco Pestana da Silva

The present thesis is based on an approach to an extensive territory, with the purpose of conceiving, next to the city, a new way of dwelling Alcácer do Sal. The Rio Sado, when approaching the city, is affirmed as an interstitial element between urban margin and natural margin. On the north bank of the river we find the medieval city, drawn under the hill: the urban margin. On the opposite side, we find the other side of the city: the natural / artificial margin; characterized by green agricultural fields and extensive rice fields. In this way, the river distances these two reality, attributing to this margin, the great and the true ‘stage’ on the amphitheater, which is the city of Alcácer.

The margin was the chosen place. Its strong composition and diversity (the river, the cane, the dike and the rice fields) aroused interest in order to explore and revive memory, as the tradition of primordial activities, near the city. A route between bridges leads us to the other bank, giving a new look about the city and affirming its condition of ‘stage’. Thus, along these lines, the two main activities – fishing and agriculture – are united in one space in order to create a new market in the city.
Finally, after choosing the location of the Market, it was necessary to draw and define the route on the bank. On this condition, the Market appears facing the city; next to the meander and among the sugar cane plantations, asserting itself as an integral part of the landscape.

Designing an informal market was the first ambition for the creation of this space, where diversity and versatility of events were possible, making it an exceptional place in the city; allowing the possibility of reversing its use, according to the programmatic need of the city.
Based on this principle, a solution emerges that does not define precise and concrete lines in the building, and that corresponds to the characteristics of an informal space. However, I used the ‘line’ in response to the problem. A line consists of several ‘points’, making up a unit, an element. In this way, the ‘points’ are organized in such a way as to provide spaces with specific characteristics, throwing ambiguous barriers between them. This intention arises with the need to give space, a new flexibility and versatility to the place. This composition of ‘points’ give rise to pillars, resembling it to a Floresta de Pilares. (Forest of Pillars).

Master Thesis by Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa
Name: To Dwell Alcácer do Sal between a Pillar Forest

Author: Francisco Pestana da Silva
Professor: Francisco Aires Mateus, and Joaquim Moreno
Year: 2016