Stockholm’s new municipal building for the city districts environmental and planning departments, tekniska nämndhuset, will be situated in the new area söderstaden. It will accomodate 1800 workplaces and it will be a meeting place for city officials, politicians and the public. In connections with the building new residential neighborhoods and urban- and park spaces will be created.
The building will have an innovative energi and ventilation system through the enclosing greenhouse shell. Pieces of the typical nature from lake mälaren are brought to the site. The green, the nature, continue into the building, shifts in character and grows vertically along the facade. The main axis through the site are from nort west to south east. This axis functions as an alternative passageway to the main routes between communication and events and thereby it creates a calm and safe zone.
Competition. 1st prize.
Urban Design & Selgas Cano: Arkitekt SAR/MSA Erik Jarlöv, José Selgas, arkitekt SAR/MSA Helena Glantz, Jesús Azpeitia, Lucia Cano Land arkitektur: Landskapsarkitekt LAR/MSA Anders Kling, Rebecka Rosén, Therese Lemos Sweco: Konstruktör, Thomas Nord Energi- och miljöteknik, Will Sibia Medverkande: Arkitekt MSA Johanna Fager, arkitekt MSA Alexander Stålhandske, arkitekt SAR/MSA Meri Serra, Barbara Bardin, Paolo Tringali, Alicia Cervera, Maria Levene, Victor Jimenez.