2semesters 150entradas 150posts 2semestres


Arper Booths . MILANO

MAIO . Arper Booths . MILANO (9)

MAIO . photos: © José Hevia . + divisare

MAIO’s spatial concept for Arper is defined by a set of geometric elements that can be freely assembled and recombined. A set of simple geometric frames allows an infinity of possibilities and spatial reconfigurations as well as using different finishings, textures and colors. The system, consisting of 5 basic elements, allows to create reusable, self-supporting and simple-to-build structures. Continue reading MAIO



2semesters 150entradas 150posts 2semestres


the concrete cube house . Kozieglowy

TEŻ . the concrete cube house . Kozieglowy (1)

Też Architekci . visualization: © Rzemiosło Architektoniczne

The house was built in the seventies of the XX century in Koziegłowy (Poland) as a typical representation of the so called “modernistic cube”. The main characteristic of this kind of buildings was the almost square basis and 2 floors (one being high ground floor with basement underneath). The owners wanted to remodel the building with the emphasis on raw materials, natural light and harmony between the inside and the outside of the house. The aim was to create more functional space yet with less storage room. Continue reading TEŻ