Blankets 2 . Oviedo

SpY @spyurbanart . photos: © Rubén P. Bescós

“Blankets 2” is a massive installation that unfolds over an area of 6,000 square meters, intervening the old arms factory in Oviedo.

This artistic intervention is composed of hundreds of salvage blankets, forming a sea of gold and silver with an ever-changing appearance. The work is activated by the wind currents that flow through the space, creating undulating patterns and solemn sound fields in a continuous choreographic cycle. This interaction turns the installation into a living entity, in constant evolutionary motion.

The gold and silver surface of the blankets reflects the sunlight at different times of the day, generating subtle effects that bathe both the space and the visitors as they walk through the installation. A sound texture subtly emerges with the continuous movement of the blankets, imperceptibly revealing itself and creating a whispering and enveloping acoustic landscape.

In this kinetic installation by SpY, the objects transcend their merely aesthetic function by incorporating four fundamental factors: the formal element, which establishes the aesthetic, symbolic and conceptual base; the audience, who is invited to navigate the work from various perspectives, actively participating in the experience; the movement, which infuses life into the installation by creating a constant kinetic cycle; and time, understood as a simultaneous experience in the present, revealing new facets of the piece at each moment.

With a dynamic and minimalist approach, SpY redefines space, inviting visitors to reconsider their perception of place and movement, in a setting that encourages reflection, interaction and active contemplation.