Dorothy Iannone

Modest . 1962

+ Prats Nogueras Blanchard

Iannone’s collages, made in 1962 during an extended visit to Kyoto, share an interest in assembling found objects into momentos of deeply personal lived experience. Influenced by traditional Japanese paper art, oriental elements such as ikebana and Zen gardens, as well as the syle of the New York School painters, Beat generation collagists and Fluxus poets, Iannone developed the series of collages entitled Flower Arrangement with gold leaf and Japanese paper, to which she would later attribute a profound influence in her turn towards figuration. “Lovers gradually appeared and became more and more distinct and … from the very beginning their genitals were not only present but extremely prominent too. This was surely an unconscious unfolding of what was in my heart”.
Prats Nogueras Blanchard