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School complex . Bussigny


Official pictures by Federico Farinatti and Rasmus Norlander.

The project is located in Bussigny, near Lausanne, in a newly developed neighbourhood. The project aims to establish centrality through a public space for the new school as well as for the entire community.

The existing steep slope of the terrain has been modified to create different plateaus. A central main space, the Agora, is envisioned as a connector between the various levels of the site, linking the public square to the south and the upper level through a system of stairs.

This Agora space is defined by three distinct volumes: the sports hall, the primary school, and the kindergarten. Each of these programs has its own entrance located in a corner situation, designed as a covered space with a colonnade.

The mineral central space of the Agora contrasts with the surroundings, which are designed as a green park offering various activities for children and the neighbourhood. The precise layout of the three volumes on the slope leads to multiple levels of reference and different access for each program, creating true permeability on the site and enhancing accessibility.

The three volumes share the same vocabulary. An abstract grid for the facades, emphasising the vertical elements, reinforces the unity of the project, imparting sobriety and elegance to the overall design. However, the use of pink, green, and grey colours in soft, almost pastel tones, reflects the intention to give each volume its own identity. Color becomes a theme, and the elements composing the facade—concrete, windows, and blinds—are presented in the same hues.