Maurizio Cattelan

With My Eyes . 2024

+ Marian Goodman Gallery

With My Eyes, the Vatican’s exhibition for the Holy See Pavilion in the 60th Biennale di Venezia, is sited within the women’s prison on the island of Giudecca and is dedicated to the theme of human rights and people living on the margins of society. The works on view incorporate the inmates’ participation in a variety of ways: some have provided photographs of themselves as children; some contribute poems for an installation; and others accompany visitors on a tour of the pavilion, alongside guards. Maurizio Cattelan’s contribution consists of a large outdoor artwork on the façade of the prison’s chapel, as well as an editorial feature, created in collaboration with the prisoners, which will be published in a special Biennale-focused issue of L’Osservatore di Strada, a monthly newspaper published by the Vatican.