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Townhouse NBG . Vienna

PSLA ARCHITEKTEN . photos: © Simone Bossi

The Townhouse in Neubaugasse was conceived as a hybrid of house and garden. Situated along a firewall in a narrow courtyard typical for the dense, historic part of Viennas 7th district, the building measures 4,6 m in width and 24 m in length and formulates a distinct terracing structure from west to east.

The entire built-up area is compensated by retention roofs and intensively planted passages. In order to avoid an entirely uni-directional orientation of the elongated building, it was divided into a grid of 20 square fields whose projections and recesses in plan and variant heights in section create win- dows and terraces, providing the building with daylight, air, outdoor spaces and views in all directions.

The 3-storey single-family home has a size of 165 square-metres and 16 varying room heights.

132 square-metres of cascading terraces feature trees, shrubby water-re- taining plantings, lawns and vertical green spaces that will have a cooling effect on the microclimate of the home and surrounding courtyard.

construction start: 2020
completion: 2022 photography: Simone Bossi
location: Neubaugasse, Vienna, Austria