Teresa Lanceta

A un lado y al otro . 2020


For Teresa Lanceta (Barcelona, 1951), the act of weaving constitutes a triggering of critical imagination beyond the confines of materiality. For her, weaving is an open-source formula of repetition and rupture, from which it is possible to read, transform and convey a knowledge that is always complex and plural. It is a procedure for which there is no rough outline to follow; where figure and ground, object and language, medium and image, come together at the same time, assuming the unexpected, along with error and success. Accepting the unexpected is for Lanceta a way of learning a primordial and universal source or code that clearly manifests an internal law; a law that transcends physical, temporal and cultural frontiers. For weaving is a techné – a ‘technical’ knowledge dependent on a specific geographical, cultural and human context, be it, in her case, Barcelona’s Raval neighbourhood, where she lived, or the Middle Atlas, which she visited every year for three decades. Both of these places fed her fascination for women’s work and the non-verbal communication of stories and emotional bonds.