Ana Mendieta

Untitled (Glass on Body Imprints) . 1972-1997

Ana Mendieta . Untitled (Glass on Body Imprints) . 1972-1997 (1)


At her death at age 35, Mendieta left behind an extensive archive of performance documentation. Working across a wide array of mediums, the artist continually returned to the female body (and specifically her own) as subject. Through time-based, site-specific works created in nature, she investigated the physical and spiritual relationship between the body and nature. Mendieta was interested specifically in the presence of the body in “Earth as a site” and how the body might be unified with nature through mythical and spiritual enactments of death and rebirth. Organic materials—blood, wood, stone and fire—were used and transformed in a ritualistic mark-making practice.
ICA miami