Peter Gallo



+ àngels barcelona

Peter Gallo is a 56-year-old painter from North Vermont, near the Canadian border. His semi-rural isolation, his apparent use of discarded matter, and his previous long-term employment as a psychiatric care worker point to an outsider categorisation, which is absolutely incorrect. For Gallo is an artist equally at home with Ryman and Beuys, Kant and Goethe, Joy Division and Dusty Springfield, Mephistopheles and St Augustine, Eros and Thanatos. Philosophical references rise and fall. A regularly recurring motif in Gallo’s work is the ship of fools, Foucault’s Stultifera Navis, a three-masted schooner fashioned out of the magic of mark-making, passing through a body of colour, a mist, a dissembling skin; a phantom ferry bearing the discarded wisdom of the mad and the wild.
àngels barcelona
