
2semesters 150entradas 150posts 2semestres


house of many faces . porto


an oversized house is barely a house. the very long narrow plot used to accommodate shabby offices and a spacious warehouse. a fearless client aimed at transforming this clutter into a home. a soon to be living room could easily have a dozen of cars parked in there. Continue reading fala


Menos é Mais

2semesters 150entradas 150posts 2semestres


ballet school . porto

Menos é Mais Arquitectos . photos: © Inês d’Orey

The setting for the new school was based on two essential conditions. The first condition was that it had to be as close as possible to the old school for reasons of mobility. The second condition was that the dance studios had to have a clear relationship with the outside space, as a mental and physical release strategy for the dancers. Continue reading Menos é Mais