nsMoonStudio . Wizja

Museum of Tadeusz Kantor . Krakow

nsMoonStudio . Wizja . photos: © Iñigo Bujedo Aguirre . + baunetz

The Center of Documentation of the Art of Tadeusz Kantor “CRICOTEKA”, the symbol of artistic search for the individual path to creativity, crossing the border between the actor and the audience, between the creator and the and the recipient, engages everyone in an activity-game-collective play. The municipal public space constitutes both the stage and the audience; it is a venue for constant performance. Its value lies in effacing the borders between the inside and the outside, the space “flows”, it is shared. The creator, artist, residents and visitors all take part in the process, activity of creating space which can be shaped with selected objects, structures, means and methods. The Center of Kantor’s art should promote this message. Continue reading nsMoonStudio . Wizja