For Purgatorio, Dean has made large-scale photographs of the negatives of jacaranda trees, which she photographed while in Los Angeles. The trees, which bloom May–June in hot climates, are remarkable because the entire foliage turns into purple blossoms, without any sign of leaves. Printing her photograph as a negative, Dean saw that the purple became an otherworldly green. Continue reading Tacita Dean
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Tacita Dean
What surprised me most about Los Angeles was the one thing I had imagined there would be little of and that was clouds. These clouds difered from their European counterparts because they were nearly never gray but extremely variable and white; they appeared unconnected to rain, as in Europe, but instead to the imperceptible activity of winds high above the earth’s surface. Continue reading Tacita Dean
Tacita Dean
Quatemary, une photogravure monumentale en dix parties d’un paysage de roches imaginaire et énigmatique.
Continue reading Tacita Dean
Tacita Dean
El mar ha desempeñado un papel crucial en la obra de Tacita Dean, sobre todo en sus inicios y después como tema recurrente. Continue reading Tacita Dean
Tacita Dean
Tacita Dean’s Fernweh creates composites from four 19c postcards which evoked for her Geothe’s travels in Italy.