ES arch

AC House . Martinengo

ES arch enricoscaramelliniarchitetto . photos: © Marcello Mariana

The project involves the extension of an existing house in Martinengo, Bergamo, Italy.

The original building uses traditional models in its volumetric composition, language and use of materials. The extension project foresees a building organised with a basement and a raised floor. In the basement a large excavated void allows for the construction of a space for exclusive use; a small lowered courtyard onto which the large sliding glass windows open. A public outdoor space, a meeting place for friends and family. The upper floor hosts the living room and the open kitchen. The extension is engaged on the existing one in which the most private part (sleeping area) is located. Continue reading ES arch


ES arch


ES arch . PIAZZA DELLA CHIESA DI STAZZONA . STAZZONA Marcello Mariana afasia (1)

ES arch enricoscaramelliniarchitetto . photos: © Marcello Mariana

The project of the square of the Church of San Giuliano in Stazzona tries to put order to a place where the presence of services to the person (town hall, church, sports field, doctor, post office) and some commemorative elements (monuments to the fallen) have established a daily parking use. The project, through a new flooring, extends the goals of the square and introduces some simple elements that help to draw the public space. A series of white concrete benches define the edges. A new fountain that reflects surrounding atmospheres gives a direct contact with water and sky. Wildflowers occupy the green tank between two long seats. A new place takes shape on the edge overlooking the lake: a small shelter, like a nest, protects the new terrace that becomes a privileged place to admire the landscape. Continue reading ES arch


ES arch

house VG refurbishment . MADESIMO

ES arch . house VG refurbishment . Colares  (1)

ES arch enricoscaramelliniarchitetto . photos: © Marcello Mariana . + divisare

It is a project on a rural building of the ‘20s-‘30s flanked by a building dating back to the ’70s, not at all consistent with the context. The existing volumes have a facade facing south while the rest of the building borders with other properties and is therefore completely closed. The theme of the contiguity of the volumes, also traceable in spontaneous rural architecture, becomes key in the design process. This proximity means that the perception of buildings is absolutely different depending on the point of view. Very close volumes seem to merge into a single entity. Continue reading ES arch