Alexander Calder

Flying Dragon . 1975

+ Gagosian

Alexander Calder’s monumental sculpture Flying Dragon (1975) will be on view at Place Vendôme in Paris beginning October 19. The installation marks the opening of Gagosian’s new gallery at rue de Castiglione and is part of FIAC Hors les Murs, which presents artworks in emblematic public spaces throughout the city. Continue reading Alexander Calder


Alexander Calder

Untitled . 1947

01 Alexander Calder . Untitled . 1947

Photos: Tom Powel Imaging, Inc. © 2015 Calder Foundation, New York / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York . Courtesy: Dominique Lévy Gallery, New York . + Dominique Lévy Gallery

Taking its title, MULTUM IN PARVO, from the Latin phrase meaning “much in little,” the exhibition explores the ways in which Alexander Calder’s most diminutive works, ranging from thumbsized to thirty inches tall, achieve monumental impact. Continue reading Alexander Calder